Full Video: Donald Trump Raucous Rally Erie PA 10/10/18

President Donald Trump held last nights rally at the PA Erie Insurance Arena. In front of a raucous pro-Republican crowd President Trump made the night’s message clear. America is winning and we need you to keep it that way. As Obama former AG Eric Holder told Democrat supporters to “Kick Republicans when they go low!” 😡

Trump Rally Erie PA
President Donald J. Trump supercharged his supporters at this maga kag2018 rally in Erie, PA on 10/10/18

Trump boasted about his administration’s accomplishments, urged the crowd to support GOP candidates Mike Kelly, Lou Barletta and Scott Wagner. And bashed the Democratic Party, the media and Hillary Clinton, among others, during his Make America Great Again rally on Wednesday evening.

I need your help this Election Day, November 6, to stop the radical Democrat mob. Trump said as his words were nearly drowned out by screams and cheers. I need you to show up at the polls, to continue this incredible movement like the country has never seen before.

Meanwhile former Attorney General Eric Holder doubled down on what has become the left’s new normal. Speaking at a campaign event in Georgia, he said of Republicans: When they go low, we kick ‘em. That’s what this new Democratic Party is about.

Team Trump is helping President Donald Trump Keep America Great in 2018! DNC Defectors are Welcome. Dems Just Vote Republican for your Trump Train Ticket! ?

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